
USB/eSATA to Dual SATA Storage Device Controller – SPIF245A


SunplusIT have announced a USB/eSATA to Dual SATA Storage Device Controller – SPIF245A. The SPIF245A controller is implemented with one USB and three 3GHz SATA II interfaces and allows for a PC host to be connected through USB/eSATA interface to two external storage devices which may be any of SATA Hard Disk Drives, SSD, DVD-RW, BluRay DVD player and other storage devices.

One distinctive feature of SPIF245 is its flexible storage connectivity which can realize versatile external storage devices for users of slim PCs, Notebooks or Netbooks to extend the storage capacity easily.

Another distinctive feature is JBOD which aggregates the capacity of two odd-sized direct-attached HDDs and presents to the PC host a single hard disk drive. SPIF245A supports USB Read16 and Write 16 commands which allows the Windows application programs to access the storage devices with 2TB and above capacity.

SPIF245A is designed and developed to meet the requirements of SOHO and home users. It provides best the solution comprising excellent price/performance, system compatibility, reliability and safety compliance for system makers to develop easily a two-bay external HDD or ODD storage system.

SPIF245A controller has been released to mass production. Please contact SunplusIT or relative agent to get more detailed product information.



  • 電話: +886-3-5632822
  • 傳真: +886-3-6687799


凌陽創新科技 (Sunplus Innovation Technology Inc.) 於2006年12月1日自母公司凌陽科技 (Sunplus Technology Co. Ltd.)『控制與週邊事業群』分割成立。
我們的企業識別標誌以英文名稱縮寫,其中字母「I」(Innovation的縮寫),以鮮明紅色及星號即是強調 「積極進取、不斷創新」的企業精神。凌陽創新科技結合現有的技術領域,為客戶提供全方位的優良產品,我們期望實現消費者高品味、多彩的數位生活,真正達到『科技落實生活』的企業願景。」




電話: +886-3-5632822
傳真: +886-3-6687799
